

Car Electronics GPS test system solutions for the company PROTON Malaysia


June 2016, Our Maaysia proion comoany prowdes mu system sate te sna scheme.Ths scheme is a 12 pot of repeater sy stem sute snge pont can cover a about a radus of5 meters 0ithe inteval Muli system satelite test signal for automofive electronics manufacturing test, service vehicle electronic GPS test system
une 2016,0ur Malaysia prolon compay provides mulf system satelite signal test scheme, this scheme uses the timing antemna,GPS aplfe, step can be tuned amplfer,frame type 16 vapower divider, GPS power dvider, to achieve the comecion, transmiting antemna teminalis also equiped wth adjustable ateruator (0-3 1dB steper adjustable),to actieve the ends oftheantemna siona adiustlable Real fme mu sstem satelite siona s provided for he autmobie electronics manuacturg test, and the wreless coverape of the muf system satelie signal is
CEM electronic is curenty only for Malaysia proton company provides rea-time mulfi system satelite ignal test system provider. CEMS electroric do ftor Malaysia proton comipaniesqualified suppliers. from 2008 began to provide solutions for automotive GPS electronic test for proton company.
CEWS electronic GNSS sional repeate, CPS siona repeater,compas epeatler widely used inthe producion ine manufacturng test, especaly n automotve electronics mianuiactumng test

